Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I Need A Vacation


Dah lama sangat since our last family vacation. Our last family holiday was about 2 years ago. Time tu tengah pregnant Ihsan 8 bulan. Follow husband punya family day kat Tiara Beach Resort yang sekarang known as Best Western Resort, Port Dickson. Tak beringat pregnant 8 bulan. Siap join Irfan main slide (yang pendek je pun).

Dah lama tak dapat berjalan sebab Ihsan ni tidur berbuai dan tak suka jalan. Trust me. I know my son very well. Bawak jalan2 dia mengamuk sakan. Sampai kuarters dia stop menangis. Macam tau2 je. So, we decided to wait till Ihsan 'besar sikit' and dah senang bawa jalan then we go for a holiday.

We need time to relax our mind,


We need time to rest our body.

And we think it is the time now. Ihsan pun dah dekat 2 tahun.

Actually nak celebrate birthday Irfan yang ke 5 on the 19th Oct. Bawa both of them tido hotel yang ada waterpark. But because of the bad haze yang sedang melanda our country, plan has to be changed. Mom need to get a better plan.

Dah found one place. Owh wallah.... mata dah bling bling. Can't wait =)

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