Saturday, May 30, 2015

MOG Entrance Exam

Short update on my work-life.

Pejam celik pejam celik, it's almost 2 years I've been in O&G (-9mo confinement). Then I started thinking of the hala tuju of my career. Do I want to be a specialist? Or continue to be a chronic MO? Or migrate to private sector? Which I am truly not a business minded person.

Orang pun asek push push... 

Finally, I went for this MOG Entrance Exam. 

Exam untuk kau masuk sambung master untuk jadi pakar lah. Do I really want it? Do I really want to be a pakar? I still have no concrete answer. But the exam I sat is just for the beginning of the new chapter in my life.

Currently, I still waiting for the result. I took less than a month to really push myself to study. If I fail, I know why. If I pass, Alhamdulillah. It is a rezki for me. If I fail, I will sit for the next entrance exam in November. If I pass, I still not decided whether to straight away apply for master or not. 

But I already plan to sit for Part 1 MRCOG in March 2016. I better kumpul duit and start study from now. HIHI.